Understanding and assessing your financial health starts with accurate and understandable financial statements. We offer a wide range of financial and assurance services to assist in reporting to third parties such as banks, creditors, investors, and bonding companies.
An audit offers the highest level of assurance and credibility to your financial statements. You can rely on our team to provide an objective and independent examination of your financial data and the underlying methodologies used to prepare financial statements. After the audit, we issue a formal report that expresses an opinion on whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with applicable financial reporting standards such as generally accepted accounting principles.
A review is intended to provide lenders and other third parties with limited assurance on the accuracy of financial statements. We conduct reviews to provide limited assurance that no material modifications need to be made to the financial statements for them to be in accordance with the applicable financial reporting standards.
We assist in presenting financial information without providing assurance on the financial statements. We use the information provided to us by management and apply our knowledge of the applicable accounting principles to prepare compiled financial statements. These financial statements are typically provided to lenders and other third parties that appreciate the financials were prepared by a CPA firm but do not require the assurance compared to a review or audit.
Elliott & Painter, LLP is a member of the Private Companies Practice Section of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Peer reviews of quality control systems are required for firms that perform assurance services. These reviews are conducted by independent CPAs who evaluate our firm based on certain standardized criteria provided by the AICPA. We are proud to report that we have received an unqualified opinion on all our reviews.
Our firm has undergone numerous peer reviews, each covering a three-year period. The latest three-year period ended in 2020. We passed our 2020 peer review with the highest rating. View our 2020 peer review report here.